Since 1968, CARE has provided services to traditionally underrepresented students at FSU.
The Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement was created at the Florida State University in 1968 as Horizons Unlimited. In 1978, the Summer Enrichment Program was established to provide a transition support program for minority students enrolling at FSU.
In January 2000, FSU combined Horizons Unlimited, Multicultural Student Support Services, Minority Academic Programs, College Achievement, Multicultural Student Affairs, and the Summer Enrichment Program into one entity, thus establishing the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE).
CARE operates to provide equity and access to students with identities traditionally underrepresented in higher education. CARE serves as a partner for these students in navigating barriers that exist for them based on educational and socioeconomic circumstances. It is housed as a dual-reporting department in both the Division of Student Affairs and Division of Undergraduate Studies.
The mission of the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement is to contribute to the successful retention and graduation of undergraduate students who have been traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
Motivate and prepare targeted middle/high school students to pursue higher education. Recruit, prepare, and support targeted first generation college students for successful adaptation and academic success at the undergraduate level.