The Florida State University Upward Bound Program at Gadsden County High School has operated since 1989. The Upward Bound Program is designed to enhance the academic and personal skills of high school students while preparing them for college admission, retention, and graduation. This unique opportunity exposes students to cultural and career activities, and supplements their regular high school curriculum. There is no cost to the participants for the program.
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The Upward Bound Program is designed to promote academic and eventual post-secondary success of traditionally underrepresented students.
In 1989, FSU established an Upward Bound Program at Shanks High School in Quincy, FL. Today, FSU CARE continues providing support to students at Gadsden County High School.
CARE's Upward Bound Program hosts multiple programs and activities to encourage participants' academic and personal development. Activities are divided into Academic Year and Summer Residential programming.
Want to become a member of the CARE Upward Bound Program at Gadsden County High School? Click here to find out eligibility requirements and how to get an application.