Limited Income Noles Network

FSU wins APLU Award!

FSU wins award for closing the graduation gap among undergraduate students based on income. 

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Limited Income Noles Network - LIN2K

At Florida State University, 25% of undergraduate students fund their education with support of the federal Pell-Grant. Of Pell-Grant recipients, approximately 44% are continuing generation college students - one of their parents has a bachelor's degree.

The Pell-Grant is awarded to students with documented financial need in relation to cost of college and family contribution. While students may have limited financial capacity, their college experience should not be viewed as less than or lacking. With supportive staff and resources, students with limited income have the opportunity to study abroad, participate in fraternity and sorority life, engage in internships, or participate in prominent leadership roles on campus.   

To assist students with limited income in navigating their FSU experience, CARE serves as a collaborative partner through LIN2K. LIN2K includes peer outreach, workshops, advocacy and community.




O-Team (Outreach Team) is a select group of undergraduate students committed to assisting any undergraduate student with limited income make the most of their collegiate experience. Each O-Team leader is assigned a group of students to connect with throughout each semester. O-Team leaders serve as an information hub, a connecter to experiences, and a friendly Nole that understands your experience. 


Workshop Series and Resource Guide


Faculty, staff and continuing students host workshops for LIN2K to support students in creating financial plans to support their active engagement in a number of college experiences. Additionally, a crowd-sourced resource guide is available to students to offer tips and advice for general college life on a budget. 




 In effort to bring awareness and understanding to the students with limited income student experience, promotional or celebratory events will be hosted throughout the year. Faculty and staff will also have the opportunity to participate in a training related to first-generation college students.




Throughout the year, social engagement opportunities are hosted specifically for first-generation college students. These opportunities are designed to allow you to make connections with the more than 8,400 pell-grant students and others with limited financial capacity at FSU. Additionally, the Thagard Building, is home to CARE, and is equipped with study spaces and dedicated staff committed to supporting you throughout your journey. 


Please contact with questions or to find ways to get involved!