FGEN Noles Network

FSU Leads the Way for First-Gen Success

In June 2020, Florida State was selected as a First-Gen Forward Advisory institution by NASPA Center for First-Generation Student Success.

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FGEN Noles Network

At Florida State University, 25% of undergraduate students identify as first-generation college students — student whose parent(s) /  legal guardian(s) do not have a bachelor's degree or higher. First-Generation college students display courage and resilience each day as they blaze a new educational trail for themselves and their families. FSU's first-generation student community is one that is diverse, talented and engaged. First-generation students are student government leaders, undergraduate researchers, honors students, student-athletes, student employees and much more. The successes achieved by first-generation students are the result of dedicated faculty, staff and students who contribute to creating inclusive and supportive learning environments for first-generation college students. The collective work of the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) has propelled FSU to being a First-Gen Forward Advisory Institution through the NASPA Center for First-Generation Student Success.

To assist first-generation students in navigating their FSU experience, CARE offers multiple opportunities through the FGEN Noles Network. The FGEN Noles Network includes peer outreach, faculty/ staff engagement, advocacy and community.




O-Team (Outreach Team) is a select group of undergraduate students committed to assisting any first-generation undergraduate student with their collegiate experience. Each O-Team leader is assigned a group of first-generation students to connect with throughout each semester. O-Team leaders serve as an information hub, a connecter to experiences, and a friendly Nole that understands your experience. 




FGEN Faculty/ Staff Fellows are faculty or administrators from the academic colleges interested in providing additional advocacy for first-generation students while also assisting students with building community within their respective college. A FGEN Faculty/ Staff Fellow is a mentor and resource related to academic life at FSU. In addition to being available for individual support, FGEN Faculty/ Staff Fellows will host small group engagements over the course of the semester. 




Being first-generation is a source of pride for students. In effort to bring awareness and understanding to the first-generation student experience, promotional or celebratory events will be hosted throughout the year with the most notable being FGEN Week in November. 




Throughout the year, social engagement opportunities are hosted specifically for first-generation college students. These opportunities are designed to allow you to make connections with the more than 5,300 first-generation college students at FSU. Additionally, the Thagard Building, is home to CARE, and is equipped with study spaces and dedicated staff committed to supporting you throughout your journey. 


Please contact care@fsu.edu with questions or to find ways to get involved!