The Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) partners with the Advising First Center for College Life Coaching to support CARE students. With College Life Coaching, CARE provides additional support through a structured program designed to increase students' effectiveness in and out of the classroom. As part of the effort of CARE to contribute to the successful retention and graduation of undergraduate students, second-year CARE students are required to participate in Coaching.
CARE Coaching is a year-long commitment whereby students receive one-on-one personal coaching to assist them in continuing their successful engagement with the FSU campus, as well as effective transition into upper division and their respective major program of study. The coaches work closely with academic advisors, CARE staff, and other campus resources to support CARE students in achieving their academic and personal goals. Students who receive coaching typically reach their goals faster, enjoy college more, have high grade point averages, and have higher rates of retention.
View the Center for College Life Coaching site for more information about the program, as well as its advantages and benefits to students.